Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Didn't We Almost Have It All

MEREDITH: "If you want to break up with me, so that you can see other women, just do it. Don't tell me you met another woman. Just end it, if that's what you want."
DEREK: "I can't."
MEREDITH: "Sure you can, here's how it goes. Meredith, I don't want to see you anymore. Meredith, I don't love you anymore."
DEREK: "Meredith, I do love you. Don't you see? Don't you understand? You're the love of my life. I can't leave you. But you're constantly leaving me. You walk away when you want, you come back when you want. Not everyone, not your friends, but you leave me. So, I'm asking you, if you don't see a future with us. Please... please just end it because I'm in it. Put me out of my misery."
~Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 24~ 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If Only -- This pretty much sums it all up..

Ian Wyndham: I guess what I'm trying to say is... I want to soldier on. I really do. Okay?

Samantha Andrews: No.

Ian Wyndham: No what?

Samantha Andrews: I don't... want to soldier on.

Samantha Andrews: Ian, if I were to stay in London now, it would be for you. For us. And I would do that in a heartbeat if I knew we were really special.

Ian Wyndham: We are.

Samantha Andrews: Really? You never tell me how you feel or talk about yourself. You don't want to meet my family. You forgot my graduation. We run into my favorite student and you act as if he has something contagious.

Samantha Andrews: Ian, I know you have the best intentions, but I feel like I'm a really high second priority to you. That hurts. And the worst part is I'm starting to get used to it.

Ian Wyndham: I don't understand.

Samantha Andrews: I know. That's what kills me.

Samantha Andrews: If there had just been one day Ian, one day where nothing else matters but us.

Ian Wyndham: I adore you.

Samantha Andrews: I don't want to be adored, I want to be loved.

Samantha Andrews: I can't do this anymore.