Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Procrastination ends and cramming starts today!!!!

It was last Sept 9 when I was told that I will be taking the CEP exam on Nov 6. I have barely 2 months to study 5 books ,and 1 study binder. I have been procrastinating for the last 5  weeks obviously focusing more on planning for my Singapore trip  rather than creating a study plan for my CEP exam.

But now that my I am done with my Singapore Trip and my final exams at school...the procrastination ends and the cramming starts!

I only have 15 days left to prepare for my exam (Oct 20 to Nov 4). I'm not really worried because I am kinda good at cramming and my brain works better when it's under pressure (feeling matalino lang! hahah). I am almost done with the 1st book. Only 4 more to go!!!November 5 is my birthday so I have the right not to study, enjoy the day and I get to have a my birthday wish--- to pass the CEP exam.Lol! . :p

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