Friday, December 31, 2010

My 2011 Forecast

Hindi Name: Vrishchik
Date of Birth: 24th October to 22nd November
Ruling Planet: Mangal (MARS)
Nakshatras: Anuradha, Jyeshtha
Lucky Numbers: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45
Lucky Days: Tuesday, Sunday
Lucky Colors: Red, Blue, Orange
Lucky Stones: Moonga, Pearl, Sapphire, Gomeda

Scorpio is the eighth and one of the strongest zodiac signs. Sun enters this sign on October 21st and leaves on November 20th approximately. This is a mystical and secretive sign that is more sudden and forceful. They are influenced by the magnificent planet Mars which is most decisive in designing their path of success. A compassionate sign of Mars, Scorpio explains the mysteries of life swinging from light to the darkness. In mystic thoughts, this sign defines the entry of life-and-death. Because of this reason, longevity has strong links with this sign and its owner Mars.

General ForecastFor this ultra sensitive sign, the second and fifth houses naturally come under the ownership of Jupiter thereby supporting Scorpions with good family and lineage throughout life. The axis planets, Rahu and Kethu, are aligned at the first and seventh zodiac sign ruling the ascendant and house of partnerships. Here, the natural benefices, Jupiter and Mars are well placed with streaks of wisdom flowing all through the year. Scorpions are prone to addictions but Jupiter is protective this time, which otherwise would be disturbed or influenced by bad planets. They have a sense of esthetics and beauty because of the seventh house natural ownership of Venus.

Career, Love & Health
Blame it on the axis planets at the first and seventh positions, if you are veneered between cascading emotions. Saturn’s wrath comes from superiors and family members. Students fair well in all endeavors with full on concentration and success as Saturn strides progress. Jupiter moves into the sixth house of disturbance and disorders at an important time. Be careful with plans for marriage or partnerships. Innovative people define your lifestyle.

1 January 2011 (00:00:00 am) to 17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm)
A strong Saturn works in your favor in the eleventh house of profitability creating slow but defined moments of valuation. Good academics and steady family patterns are foreseen. There is a sudden rise in social status and time is supportive for sudden ups and downs in family conditions. But these do not disturb you. Lifestyle becomes completely reformed and takes a fixed and valued path. Incidence of oro-facial problems, especially teeth, could come under review. The money flow is good and consistent. Discipline comes handy as it brings a lot of improvement in your life and work. Sudden burst of talent is on cards. Overseas deals are indicated on account of Saturn.

17 January 2011 (2:59:16 pm) to 6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am)
Steady and slow, you approach life with a keen intent, to enjoy the fruits of the hard times you have been through. Financial conditioning is highly encouraging. Married couples should add value to their relationships due to heavy aspects of axis planets at the house of partnerships. You will be easily irked by the activities of your partner on account of visiting members, especially your mother, into your family. This has to be dealt with utmost tolerance and tact. It is an ideal patch to plan trips to places of worship and sanctity. Also, a saint in the family is likely to change the mindset of family members. Children will be a major source of happiness to all Scorpions. Elderly people see their lineage showing significant improvements and share with others. A sudden trip to foreign countries to see relatives and lineage is in store. Avoid taking up a frozen diet.

6 March 2011 (2:06:33 am) to 2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm)
Innocent and upright, you will trigger new areas of alternate thinking. This leads to other members of the team or partners misinterpreting you. This is a good time to enjoy the fruits of labor in writing. Attending meets or social gatherings will take your time, as would travel and family members. Important events take place in family for betterment. Increase in wealth, new friendships, new businesses and new environments keep you occupied and happy. You will meet and share thoughts with learned and wise people. You can expect general all-round success around this patch. Your social circle will improve and increase.

2 May 2011 (9:57:58 pm) to 25 June 2011 (12:35:51 pm)
Simultaneous triggering of events is predicted that could be disturbing and confusing. Your empathy is genuine for people working under you and you tend to be emotional with their appeals for a lending hand. There could be a possible breach in the current work progress or the project you handle may bring along sudden hidden obstacles. Blame it on the axis planets at the first and seventh houses. Saturn wrath comes from superiors and family members. Students fair well in all endeavors. Unexpected gain is in store; thus, be careful with new contacts of opposite sex. Attraction towards them or mixing with them keeps you out-of track. Avoid watching movies and television around this time as excessive addictions can lead to disturbances.

25 June 2011 (12:35:51 pm) to 17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am)
Relationships are primary this patch and it becomes inevitable and necessary to make yourself extra committed and involved. You need to stay focused on protecting your innersole and, at the same time, respect others sentiments. Partner’s health may be in the line of fire, so you need to address them with good precision. Finances need to be handled with utmost scrutiny and care. This phase is not as encouraging for all the matters which you are handling. Heat related problems may bother you causing depression. Keep good health and food habits. Take a break from your regular routine for that added strength and freshness.

17 July 2011 (1:07:19 am) to 17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am)
Your creativity is challenged for a new process that comes your way. You meet good and hardworking allies who will come to your rescue. You need to be at your personal best as Jupiter moves into the sixth house of disturbance and causes disorders at an important time. Be careful with plans for marriage or partnerships. Involvements with others, especially with mothers, are indicating celebrations and commitments. There is a probability of traveling for new employees or newly married couples. Young women should stay patient to deal with commitment issues.

17 September 2011 (9:20:10 am) to 5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm)
Utilize this period to make new contacts and refresh the existing ones as they will highly reflect on your profession. Support from government and others is on cards. Those of you at the core of planning and execution will remain inspired with bright new ideas and converting them into action. Novel governmental decisions will not be supportive to you. Thus, you need to be proactive.

5 October 2011 (6:03:33 pm) to 4 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm)
Right from good backing from the family to close friends, this period is adventurous for you. You are all set to push your normal limitations this month with total encouragement for all-round success. Your craving for action all the time will be met with expansive traveling. Visiting places of worship is on cards with parents or with lineage. Meeting distant relatives and old friends is all predicted. Changes come in your life without your permission for the good. You achieve remarkable success in the field of your choice.

4 November 2011 (10:28:47 pm) to 31 December 2011 (00:00:00 am)
There is a very clear demarcation on your commitments as to what you prioritize and what you do not. Entertainment and socializing will have a reversal of sorts, as you will be in the line of action; it is an encouraging period of good health and personality. At the same time, you may face stiff opposition, either at work or domestically, but you are up for the challenge attributed to the planetary combo not supportive enough as Saturn stabilizes transit.

General Tips

  • Sunday is good for work.
  • Monday is an ideal day for long journeys and meeting key persons.
  • Keep your routine works for Tuesday.
  • Watch out for Wednesday as it brings troubles for you.
  • Taste good food on Thursday and spend in the company of your family members. Also, good for financial work.
  • Friday is great for making new contacts and searching life partners.
  • Saturday brings mixed results.
  • Lucky colors are red, brown, yellow, and cream.
  • Lucky gems are ruby, to be worn on the ring finger.
Dr. Bharath

1 comment:

mabby said...

Sunday is good for work. // nanloloko ba to.. sunday is good for work.. ano yun? hehehe