Wednesday, December 29, 2010


A survey I got from Carmi's blog. Sorry naman tinamad na ako sa 30 day blog challenge kaya eto na lang muna :)

Hi my name is: Wilcor
When I'm nervous: I fidget
By this time next year I'll: be somewhere else
Last night: i was at work
Were you a planned baby? Yes
Were you the first? Yes
Are your parents still married? Yes
Do you have low self esteem? No
Do you get depressed about things easily? Sometimes
Are you happy right now? yes
Are you comfortable with the way you look? yes
Describe your hair: long and straight
Where do you buy most of your clothes? mall
Ever been kicked out of a bar? Nope
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue? yes ;)
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Outdoors, i'd die of boredom if i just stayed home
Do you like walking in the rain? Yes!
Do you like thunderstorms? Sometimes.
Are you a vegetarian? NO!
Anything you could absolutely eat forever? ice cream and chocolates
What's your favorite dessert? ice cream and chocolates
Do you want to get married? yes
Have you ever been in love? Yes
Are you in a relationship now? Yes
Where is your cell phone? in front of me
Your boyfriend/ex-boyfriend? ♥ ♥ ♥
Your hair? Needs pampering
Your style? Casual
Cheesecake is: Yummy
Your dream last night: didn't have any
Your favorite drink: green tea
Car you want? Accord
Room you are in: Etrade
Your life goal? Travel the world and live life to the fullest 
Your fears? losing people i love
Today: i feel sick but still went to work
Check out:  My next post..hehe
One of your wish lists: to go on European tour next year
Where did you grow up? La Union
Favorite Movie:  City of Angels
What are you wearing? Jeans and shirt..wala sa mood mag dress up because im sick
Ketchup? yes!
Your computer? dont have one, but i have a laptop :)
Your friends? Are my treasures
Your Mood? bored thus the survey..hehe
Missing? my dad
What are you thinking about right now? the new job opening
Your car? is in my dreams..haha
Your work? can we not talk about this? :s
Your summer? spent it reviewing for an exam..which i passed.naks!
Your favorite song? So Close
Your favorite colors? Blue, Black, Purple
When is the last time you laughed? around 3 pm today with mabby and carmie
Last time you cried? 2 weeks ago
Last Text: "hi. kumusta ka na?" -- from someone i don't know
Last call? my mom

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