Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 3 - The Perfect First Date

I have not posted for the last 3 days since I do not have internet access at home.
So I'm finishing 3 posts today.
 Here's goes Day 3:  My Perfect First Date:

Dinner for two at the beach

The effect of watching too much  romantic movies. Haha!! Seriously, this would be nice but  the perfect first date does not have to be fancy. What's important is that the time is spent getting to know each other well and just enjoying your time together. Anyway it's not the place or the food that makes a first date perfect or special but it is the person whom you are with. :)


charmilou's keyboard said...

puro ka kyeme... sabihin mo na kung sino si special person... picture! hahaha

♥♥♥ Miaka ♥♥♥ said...

no comment..(artista??) hahah!! miss you carmi!!!